Why is Early Math Learning Essential for Your Child?

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As we all know, parents are the primary educators of kids and play an important part in developing their numeracy abilities from an early age.

Now, all of you parents reading this may be asking yourself this question. What is the best age to start teaching your child about Math?

Many of the parents introduce numeracy very late in a child's life at the age when they go to school, this is because of their misconception that children in their early growing years are not ready to grasp the concepts of early mathematics.

Let us tell you something- Babies begin to learn math before they can sit up. They begin to detect differences in the number and size of items, as well as new patterns and forms. Parents may create a solid maths foundation  for their children between the ages of one and five, when they begin to employ math ideas during play.

Just to make sure you get clarity of what are the basic math skills & early math concepts to be instilled into your child's mind and how. Let us explain to you what is early math.

Early math encompasses a wide range of fundamental ideas such as:

  • Counting numerals.
  • Perception of amount, whether it is greater or less.
  • Recognize forms like circles, squares, and triangles.
  • Understanding spatial linkages such as over/under, back/forward.
  • To get an understanding of measurements such as which is taller and which is shorter.
  • Identifying colors and patterns.

Since you have understood the concepts, its time for you to set your expectations right. Children show development gradually over time, so never expect miracles from them. 

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Glimpse of What Advancement in Math Skills to be Expected Over Time:

  • Young Infants can differentiate between small groups of objects, like one versus another object. 
  • Children in the age group one to two years use number words to label small quantities like 1 dog or 2 balls.
  • Children in the age group two to three years count objects by moving or pointing to them.
  • Children in the age group three to four years can swiftly identify small groups of objects without counting such as 1, 2, or 3 balls. 
  • Children in the age group four to five years start to add or subtract small quantities such as adding or subtracting 1 or 2 play toys.

Next is your role as a parent in promoting these early math skills.

A fostering parent-child relationship eases children to build self-confidence, courage, and a feeling of surety. 

Do you know what is important for a child's brain development?

A supportive and caring home environment is what is required for significant brain growth and developmental discoveries to occur at a very young age of a child. These developments have long-lasting results in them for school and ahead in life. 

How to develop your child's brain at home?

Have a language-rich communication with your children:

This can strengthen your relationship as well as arouse children’s cognitive and linguistic development. Use a wide variety of words which will not only improve their vocabulary but when they grow up the vocabulary also increases.

Read books to them even when they are young infants:

This is very influential in developing their language and literacy skills.

Provide idea of counting:

Making children count from one to ten or more is not adequate, it’s just they are repeating the words in order without logical understanding. Instead, you can point out objects to them and provide an idea of counting. Like, differentiate set of balls by a group and count pointing out to them. So next time when you ask for three balls they will get you exactly three numbers.

Teach measurement with games:

Remember when you’re cleaning up your child’s blocks or Lego’s, just remember they are very much involved in building your child's math brains. They are learning measurement with these. They build and compare different towers of blocks as if it is equal or not, or if they want one to be smaller, so in this way, they get an idea of size. 

Read picture books:

Read picture books to your child by pointing out the position and spatial representation of pictures. Tell them if the building is behind the car if the cat is under the table and relate pictures with shapes like the building roof is a triangle. This gives great insight for them regarding spatial representation before entering school.

We recommend you to nurture a strong math foundation from an early age of your child to succeed in a world where a higher percentage of jobs will need critical thinking and analytical skills

Early math is just as important as early literacy; in fact, it can improve reading and writing skills. Kids who start with numerical skills even in infancy will do better with math when they reach school. Giving your child the opportunity to get a head-start on math is one of the best things you can do for their future success. As a parent, it is your responsibility to assure them that.

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