Adverbs: Definition, Types, Usage and Examples


Adverbs Examples: Power up Your Sentences with Conjunctive Adverb

Words are everywhere around us. The very aspect of drafting this blog that you are reading now is an amalgamation of words; woven together to form sentences that are transcending critical information to the audience.  

Let us begin with exploring this exciting world of words with adverbs and adverbs examples! These little words might seem small, but they pack a powerful punch, adding detail and depth to your writing.

What Is an Adverb?

Imagine a verb as the action hero of your sentence. It tells you what is happening (e.g., run, jump, sing). But sometimes, the hero needs a trusty sidekick to add more information. This is where adverbs come in! They modify verbs, detailing how, when, where, why, or to what degree or extent something happens. 

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For example, instead of just saying "They helped her," we can add the adverb "generously to show the intensity of the aid provided (They helped her generously). Thus, to answer the question of what is an adverb? It is easy to state- An adverb is something that adds values to a verb and can also modify an adjective (e.g., The movie was extremely scary) or another adverb (She ran very quickly).

Types Of Adverbs Summed in Adverbs Examples

 There are several adverbs, each adding a unique distinction to your writing and beautifying the same:

  • Manner adverbs: These describe how something happens (e.g., She danced gracefully, he whispered softly).
  • Place adverbs: These tell us where something happens (e.g., The cat jumped up the tree, they lived happily ever after). Here you may wonder is 'the' an adverb?!  To make it easy to understand, ‘the” acts both as an adjective and an adverb. 
  • Time adverbs: These indicate when something happens (e.g., Yesterday I went to the park, we will meet later). 
  • Frequency adverbs: These tell us how often something happens (e.g., I always brush my teeth, they visit their grandparents occasionally). 
  • Degree adverbs: These show the intensity or extent of something (e.g., The soup was very hot, I completely forgot).
  • Interrogative adverbs: These are used to ask questions (e.g., How did you do that? Where are you going?). 
  • Conjunctive adverbs: These are special adverbs that connect clauses and show a relationship between them (e.g., The movie was boring; however, I enjoyed the popcorn). 

Adverb 1

Conjunctive Adverb in Sentences

The amazing teachers at 98thPercentile, a live online after school enrichment platform for students in grades 1-12 in the USA, know the magic of adverbs and how to incorporate the right amount to transform an ordinary passage into a work of art! Here are some tips for using them like a pro:

  • Spice up your verbs: Do not settle for boring verbs! Use adverbs to add detail and excitement. 
  • Paint a picture: Use adverbs to create vivid descriptions (e.g., The brightly colored butterflies fluttered gracefully through the garden).
  • Show, do not tell: Instead of saying someone is happy, use an adverb to show it (e.g., She skipped joyfully down the street). 
  • Conjunctive adverb: I did not like the movie; however, the acting was fantastic. 
  • Bonus Tip: Not Every "The" is an Adverb!

Now, you are equipped with the knowledge to become an adverb ace! Do not be afraid to experiment and have fun with these versatile words. The amazing teachers at 98thPercentile are always here to help you on your writing adventure! If you have any questions about adverbs or anything else related to English, click here to book 2 weeks of Free Trial Classes Today!

FAQs: (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Is 'the' an adverb?

Ans: Not Every "The" is an Adverb. The usage and term of “the” depends on where it is put in a sentence. 

Q2: Does 98thPercentile provide Free classes?

Ans: 98thPercentile, believes in empowering learners and helping them achieve great heights. One can avail 2 weeks of Free Classes with 98thPercentile.

Q3: What is an adverb?

Ans: A word that is used to define or add more information to a verb is known as an adverb.  

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