What are Subject Pronouns?

English 1

The Backbone of the Sentence: The Beginning of the Subject Pronouns

The English language is a blissful soothing of words and without every sentence, a melody would never be born. But it is (or who) commands the genuineness of the sentences or words we, human beings, utter, write, or read. Subject pronouns, the forgotten heroes, who become the subjects of our sentences and thus take center stage. Effecting the said key pronouns is a definite rule for writing a well-formed and grammatical sentence. 

We will see that the subject pronouns ('he',' she', or 'it') are quite different from a list of pronouns that can serve for any noun in a sentence ("he", "she" or "it").  The subject pronouns do function as a substitute for nouns and they are the sentence's subject. This means the action or state of being described by the verb is performed or experienced by the person. 

Think of it this way

  • Sentence with a noun: The teacher went ahead and explained the concept. 
  • Sentence with a subject pronoun: In one sentence she described to me. 

The subject pronoun "she" is a substitute for the noun "teacher" so the sentence becomes short and does not use the phrase "she" again. 

The world of subject pronouns is a friendly one, with just a handful of members: here is a pronouns list. 

  • Singular: I, You, He, She, It
  • Plural: We, you (plural), they. 

These pronouns refer to the topic or the subjects of the sentences: it could be either a singular noun -– person, place, thing, or an idea or a plural noun – people or things. 

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Subject Pronoun Examples:

  • Let's see how subject pronouns function within sentences:
  • I love to read. (I is the sole subject who is performing the act of loving.) 
  • We are spending the day in the garden today. 'We' is the plural subject that is the performer of the process of going. 
  • It rained the whole day the previous day. The plural subject "this" is incorrect.  The singular subject "rain" is required. 

Beyond the Basics: The Subject Pronouns as a powerful tool. 

Subject pronouns offer several advantages in sentence construction:

  • Clarity: On the other hand, they use the nouns only one time eliminating linguistic obstacles on the way to the smooth and clear text. 
  • Conciseness: They make us give our ideas in a compact form. 
  • Sentence Structure: They are the key to the subject-verb agreement, which is the one thing that makes sentences grammatically correct. 

Grasping the notion of the subject pronouns cannot be reduced to the simple process of memorizing the list of pronouns. Let us explore some common scenarios:

  • Singular vs. Plural: While talking about the group of people as a whole, you should use a singular subject pronoun. Emphasis on verbal communication and listening skills facilitates the understanding and memorization of the vocabulary being taught, supporting students' language learning. 
  •  Collective Nouns: Plural nouns (such as 'family' and 'committee') may be thought of as either singular or plural, depending on the sense that is being conveyed. The group should act as a whole, so use a singular subject pronoun (e.g., "it" or "they"). e.g., "suddenly I found that the family gathering around the dining table for dinner.")

While subject pronouns are essential, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Subject-verb agreement: The verb should agree with the subject pronoun in number (singular or plural). (e. g. (In addition to this," she reads a book every day.")

Landing the subject pronouns is the implicit beginning of observing good and intentional conversation. However, sometimes the rules of grammar are like a puzzle. This is precisely what 98thPercentile does. With 98thPercentile you will acquire the information and skills necessary to use subject pronouns in your language with zero mistakes. You will identify the subject pronouns, get to know the subject-verb agreement, and construct sentences that are grammatically correct and easy to understand their uses. Reserve your seat today!


Q1: What is the difference between a subject pronoun and an ordinary pronoun?

Ans: Grammatically the pronoun "he" or "she" is equivalent in meaning to any noun in the sentence. 

Q2: Is "you” really a singular and plural subject pronoun?

Ans: Certainly, "you," inclusive of both singular and plural subject pronouns, serves as a means used to accentuate the context of a sentence. 

Q3: How can I make sure that I am using the subject pronoun for the collective noun when there has been consistency in the sentence?

Ans: Just consider the collective nouns and utilize your 2 weeks of Free Trial to 98thPercentile’s custom classes.

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