How Positive Body Language in Public Speaking Works


Communication consists of both verbal and nonverbal components. Verbal communication uses words, but nonverbal communication involves gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Effective communication sometimes necessitates a harmonious blend of verbal and nonverbal factors.

Nonverbal communication is the quiet delivery of a message to an audience or individual. Face-to-face communication increases the dependability of interpersonal interactions. Scientists and experts are still decoding countless clues and recommendations in body language art, which is a complex form of expression.Body Language

Body language refers to reflexive or non-reflexive actions of a section or entire body, such as facial expressions, eye contact, posture, gestures, and so on, that are used to convey information. Body language, whether intentional or not, is the nonverbal behavior that we employ to communicate with others.

We seldom notice ourselves, yet we are continuously expressing nonverbal information through our body language. To deliver a good presentation and captivate the audience, we must talk with purpose and poise using our bodies, which means we must master our body language. Consider the message you want to convey, and then use body language to support it. In other words, knowing body language is an important public speaking skill.

Body language is extremely important when giving a public speech. Good body language immediately builds a connection with your audience or peers.

No matter how brilliant the subject of your speech is, if you deliver it without emotion or poise, the audience will lose interest. The audience, after all, values good involvement from the speaker more than the subject itself. Not that content is unimportant, but strong body language can outperform a speaker who does not place a high value on body language.

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Your body language should match the content of your speech. If you intend to say yes, nodding yes is an excellent approach to convey. Furthermore, the power of nonverbal communication goes both ways. Those who lack a solid understanding of body language may struggle not only in academic settings but also in personal interactions.

Positive body language should be emphasized and taught to children since it builds confidence, raises self-esteem, and improves nonverbal persuasive skills. Fortunately, body language can be taught to children at an early age, while their subconscious minds are still developing and beneficial habits are easier to build.

Nonverbal Communication in Public Speaking


Positive Body Language: What to Do and What Not to Do

Let's go over some Do's of Positive body language.

1. Maintain Eye-contact

Maintain constant and gentle eye contact with everyone, since this demonstrates that the speaker cares about listening. This indicates your confidence and authenticity. People commonly believe that those who try to conceal anything have difficulties looking you in the eyes, which is right. To create an effect and develop trust, make eye contact that is purposeful and non-piercing.

2. Significant Hand Gestures

Hand gestures are a great way to support any speech. Appropriate and non-distracting movement can add significant liveliness to your speech. A closed hand shows denial or aggression, and we don't want that, do we? Keep your palms open and express yourself through your hand movements.

3. Posture: Open Body

Keep your stance as broad and upright as possible. If you have a slouchy posture, you may look unwelcome and uneasy. Not to mention lacking confidence. A closed body distracts the audience. Instead of standing stiffly to one side, turn to face the audience and make careful, little movements.

open body posture

4. Smile Please

Giving a genuine smile is the quickest way to people's hearts.  A kind expression demonstrates your confidence and cheerful personality. Also, people will perceive you to be approachable. The same is not valid if you have a very deadly look on your face. So, don’t be afraid to brighten everyone’s day and smile.

5. Keep the Correct Distance

When you stand too far away from the person you're talking to, they'll notice that you're uncomfortable. If you stand too near to them, you may make them uncomfortable. The same is true for the masses. The proper thing to do is to maintain a healthy closeness without infringing anyone's personal space.

6. Greet When Required

Greetings are used to greet and recognize another person's presence. Handshakes, a quick slap on the back, an informal embrace, or rising up when someone authoritative arrives are all forms of welcome. Let your handshake be quick and forceful, but not overly tight or casual. Understand your audience and reply accordingly.

These were some Dos; now let's get into the Don'ts.

1. Avoid slouching or fidgeting

Moving the eyes downward to the floor increases the likelihood of slouching. Attempt to stand straight. Look into the eyes of those in the audience. We recommend practice looking up when speaking to avoid slouching. Fidgeting is common when you first start performing on stage, and the only way to eliminate it is to practice. As a result, we strongly advocate for teacher-led training.

We focus hugely on all these aspects and offer Public Speaking classes conducted by highly qualified and experienced teachers. These classes can help children in grades 3-8 be maestro in delivering speeches effectively.

2. Don't Cross Arms

When you cross your arms, the audience gets the impression that you've defended yourself, as if you're hiding something or resisting it. It's as if you're speaking but don't want to express yourself freely. That is the perception it makes. Avoid crossing your arms and utilize beautiful hand motions instead!

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3. Maintain Facial Expression

The most common mistake committed by presenters is seeming dull or communicating strong emotions through their facial expressions. When describing anything personal, make careful to express your emotions. Don't get caught up in it, and don't overdo it. Return to the context of the discussion. As a result, you must resume a neutral facial expression.

Finally, we believe that using good body language will help your child enhance their public speaking skills and become a more confident speaker. To enhance your public speaking talents, it is always preferable to get advice from a certified coach.
98thPercentile Public Speaking classes can provide your child with the most suitable assistance in conquering the skills. To get your child excited about Public Speaking, check out our Public Speaking Program.

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