All You Should Know About CogAT test

cognitive ability test

What is CogAT?

The Cognitive Abilities Test- Riverside Insights, a renowned publisher in the United States, has administered this standardized test since 1979. It is accessible as group and individual tests. Riverside Insights, previously the Riverside Press (1852), a 19th-century publisher, took the uncommon decision to hire both men and women. There has been no looking back since! Riverside offers various tests, and this blog is about one of them: the CogAT. It is very different from an achievement test.

Who is the cogAT for?

CogAT is administered to students from Grade K to 12; Age 5 to 18. Most schools in the United States use these examinations to assess a student's academic performance and giftedness. Individual testing is available if a district school does not use this exam, if a student is homeschooled, or if they attend a private school.

Historically, educators used the CogAT to assess skill sets, gaps, and plan depending on a student's level.
 The test also helps in identifying gifted and talented students. So, practically any student from elementary or secondary or high school can take CogAT as it provides the ability profile.

What CogAT Comprises of?

The CogAT aims to profile a student's talents. The graphic from Riverside Insights shows how extensive the assessment on a student's general thinking skills in three domains (verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal) is.

Overall Ability: Characteristics

Stanine Reasoning Ability Example Characteristics
 1-3 Below-average * difficulty learning abstract concepts
* minimal or ineffective strategies for learning and remembering (Tend to rely on trial-and-error)
4-6  Average * likely to use only previously learned methods when faced with new tasks
* difficulty trasferring knowledge/skills
7-8  Above-average * ability to learn relatively quickly
* good memory, effective learning strategies
Very high * preference for discovery learning rther than highly structured learning environments (not necessarily solitary environments)

The table below shows the grades and test levels at which a student may appear. There are 10 phases, with each generally corresponding to a student's age.


Test Level

Duration    (in Minutes)

























  • The CogAt components are all about reasoning capabilities, which need cognitive talents such as flexibility, adaptability, and fluency. Verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative examinations use questions to accurately assess a student's ability. This is a really insightful calibration that delivers useful feedback to a pupil.

  • Verbal reasoning questions test the ability to read and absorb content in order to reason critically and write effectively. This assesses a student's ability to reason with verbal information while being fluent and adapting from a narrative.

  • Quantitative reasoning is the capacity to organize, arrange, and provide meaning to random numbers and mathematical symbols in order to reason about quantitative symbols and concepts.

  • Nonverbal thinking is the capacity to reason using geometrical forms and figures to solve strange or unexpected issues. Students must devise their own ways for critical thinking and answering these issues.

When is the CogAT taken?

The dates of group given examinations are determined by the schools. However, the personally tested ones are continuing tests that may be enrolled for through Riverside Insights..


Is taking CogAT early a good Idea?

Reasoning abilities evolve and alter throughout time, and they are strong indicators of academic performance. There is a direct link between early exposure to problem-solving and brain development. Because this is not an IQ exam, a student's performance is heavily influenced by how much practice they are willing to put in. The more you think about things, the more your brain learns to think strategically and beyond the box. As the name suggests, this examines a student's cognitive ability.

Various Benefits of cogAT

The CogAt scores provide up further opportunities at universities and schools that operate talent development and nurturing centers, such as Northwestern's CTD, John Hopkins' CTY, and Michigan State University's GATE, to name a few. CogAt is the score, whether it's for school or summer activities.

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