Probability Theorems | Application & Examples


Theorems on Probability

Probability, the mathematical study of chance and randomness, plays a pivotal role in various fields like statistics, finance, engineering, and more. Theorems on Probability form the foundation of this fascinating branch of mathematics, providing us with essential tools to analyze uncertain events and make informed decisions


The concept of probability deals with the likelihood of an event. We gauge it on a scale of 0 (no probability) to 1 (certain). Imagine a bag of marbles, each signifying a potential result. The probability of selecting a red stone if you reach in blindly may be 1 in 5, or 0.2.

Theorems on Probability

  • Adding Up Chances: Addition Theorem" helps us find the total chance of winning by adding the chances of each game. This theorem, which is sometimes called the Probability of Union, determines the likelihood that two or more events will coincide.

    If A and B are events, then P(AB)=P(A)+P(B)−P(AB), where P(AB) is the probability of both events A and B occurring simultaneously.              

  • When Things Work Together: The "Multiplication Theorem" kicks in when events depend on each other. If you're trying to roll a specific number on a pair of dice, each roll affects the next. But if they're independent (like flipping a coin twice), you just multiply the chances together. Also known as the Probability of Intersection, this theorem calculates the probability of the intersection of two or more events.
    If A and B are independent events, then P(AB)=P(AP(B). If they are dependent, then P(AB)=P(AP(BA), where P(BA) is the probability of event B occurring given that event A has occurred.

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  • The Flip Side: The "Complement Theorem"  answers questions like "How likely is it to rain tomorrow?" by calculating the probability of an event given that another event has already happened. For example, it determines the likelihood of rain given cloudy skies.

    If A is an event, then P(A′)=1−P(A), where A denotes the complement of event A.

  • Making Predictions: Ever wonder what's the chance of rain tomorrow? That's where the "Conditional Probability Theorem" shines. It tells us the probability of one event given that another event has already occurred, like the chance of rain given cloudy skies. This theorem calculates the probability of an event given that another event has already occurred. 

    If A and B are events with P(B)0, then the conditional probability of A given B is given by

The Fun Part: Real-Life Examples

Coin Toss Fun: Imagine flipping a coin. The chance of getting heads or tails is always 1 out of 2, or 50/50. It's like betting on red or black at the roulette table.

What is the probability of getting heads or tails in a single coin toss?

  • Solution: Sample space = {H, T}, Probability of heads (H) = 1/2, Probability of tails (T) = 1/2. Using the Addition Theorem, P(HT)=P(H)+P(T)=

Rolling the Dice: Roll a die, and the chances of landing on any number are equal, 1 in 6.

What is the probability of rolling an even number or a number less than 3 on a fair six-sided die?

  • Solution: Sample space = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, Events (Even number) = {2, 4, 6},

Events (Number less than 3) = {1, 2}.

Using the Addition Theorem,

P(Even Less than 3)=P(Even)+P(Less than 3)

Card Games Galore: Probability really works while playing cards.

What is the probability of drawing a red card or a queen from a standard deck of 52 cards?

  • Solution: Sample space = 52 cards, Red cards = 26 (13 hearts + 13 diamonds),

Queens = 4 (2 red, 2 black).

Using the Addition Theorem, P(RedQueen)=P(Red)+P(Queen)−P(RedQueen)

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What are the applications of probability theorem?

Ans: Applications of Probability Theorems:

  • Addition Theorem: Used in risk assessment, and decision-making under uncertainty.
  • Multiplication Theorem: Applied in genetics, reliability analysis, and sequential experiments.
  • Complement Theorem: Useful in finding the probability of events not occurring, like failure rates in engineering.
  • Conditional Probability Theorem: Essential in medical testing, machine learning, and predictive modeling.

Q2. What is the most important theorem in probability?

Ans: Law of Total Probability and Bayes' Theorem among the most influential due to their wide-ranging applications and relevance in various fields.

Q3. What are the real life applications of Bayes Theorem?

Ans: Bayes' Theorem is used in:

  • Medical diagnosis and testing (e.g., interpreting test results in healthcare).
  • Spam filtering and email classification algorithms.
  • Risk assessment and decision-making in finance and insurance.
  • Predictive modeling and machine learning algorithms.

Q4. What is the application of the theorem of total probability?

Ans: The Theorem of Total Probability is used to find the probability of an event A by considering its probabilities across different mutually exclusive and exhaustive events. It's applied in:

  • Predictive modeling and data analysis.
  • Risk assessment and decision-making under uncertainty.
  • Financial modeling and investment analysis.
  • Quality control and reliability engineering.
  • Experimental design and hypothesis testing.

In summary, probability is the study of the randomness of the world rather than only numbers. It's a tool we use to manage unpredictability, make wise judgments, and—sort of—predict the future. Gaining a thorough understanding of these properties and theorems helps us make better decisions and provides insightful knowledge about the universe of chance.

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