Math is Fun: Innovative Ideas for 2nd Grade Math Sheets

Summer learning loss is sometimes ascribed to the summer slide or a setback for children throughout the summer. Yes, summer learning loss occurs when kids return to school following their summer break with a lower academic level than they had at the conclusion of the previous school year.

We believe this occurs when your child does not apply or practice the skills he or she learned in school throughout the summer. Yes, according to some research, children may lose 25-50% of their prior school-year arithmetic gains if they do not practice for an extended period of time.

So we believe, indulging your child with a variety of learning activities during their summer vacation is a great way to help your child stay ahead of the game, strengthen all areas of learning, and to prevent summer learning loss.

Summer days usually call for fun summer learning activities, playing games with cousins and spending time with loved ones. Some parents feel the time can be utilized to boost their child’s weaker capabilities - like those of math word problems. However, what’s the fun if all the summertime is spent in calculations, right? 

For this purpose, we have listed 5 fun summer learning activities that would not only help your child with summer math loss prevention tips but would also help you connect better as a family and create memories that you’d wear on your sleeve forever.

5 Fun Activities to Avoid Summer Learning Loss:

  1. Motivate your kids to play board and card games.

    Board games are enjoyable not just because they bring people together. They are enjoyable because they carry with them a huge understanding of numbers, and while your child may believe that he or she is having fun with the parents and other family members, there is a lot of learning going on behind the scenes of the game. Teaching arithmetic to children can be challenging, but this practice could be beneficial. To assist your child get a greater sense of numerical application and probability, you should select games that make effective use of dollars and involve strategy while also recording a score to keep your child engaged at all times. Some board games that could interest your child as well as help develop his/her brain are Monopoly, blackjack, Scrabble, chess.

  2. Incentives go a long way.

    Who said there was no math in food? Cooking not only makes things more enjoyable, but it also allows one to practice a variety of mathematical abilities. How? If you follow a recipe to produce a delicious dessert for your child, you are mostly engaged in activities such as measuring and counting. Encouraging your child to lend a helping hand in the kitchen will not only prepare them to be great chefs in the future, but it can also assist them in calculating each component of the masterpiece that they create, so improving their overall arithmetic abilities. You might begin with easy kid-friendly recipes that demand little but substantial measuring and counting steps so that your child can learn and have a healthy, tasty treat by the end of it - as a super-reward!!
    summer learning loss prevention
  3. Make effective use of music

    If your community promotes summer concerts, you and your child will be able to enjoy some music after spending time in the park. While you may wonder why we recommend Music as a technique to master mathematical abilities, most of you will be surprised to realize that Music and arithmetic work hand in hand rather well. How? The tunes you remember are mathematically organized. And pattern theories play a vital role in mathematics.
    There are several things that you may assist your youngster with to help him pass the time pleasantly and engage in enjoyable family time. These activities might include asking your child to beat his/her hands along with a fine tune and dancing together to rhythmic tunes.
  4. Mentor children to be entrepreneurs

    During our childhood, we have always had a liking towards a business that involved money, right? Hence, you could use the same trick for luring your children into fun activities that would, in the long run, help their mathematical minds churning. You could help your child in turning the fresh summertime that he/she has in hand into a small business that would not only engage them fruitfully but will also help the child learn some very essential accounting tips. While running a business, they would have a sense of whole figures, decimals and fractions which could not only improve your child's mathematical skills but could also help wake the future businessman/woman in them. Yes, simple summer businesses like car washing, lemonade stands or yard maintenance can motivate them to calculate the expenses and profits daily.
  5. Allow your child to arrange a trip

    While your child is running a business, you may assist him/her in planning a trip or a short activity, allowing him/her to decide how much to spend and how to handle all expenditures. This will assist the youngster understand budgeting mathematics theory while also providing him or her a taste of real-life situations.

Over the summer, we recommend students and parents to practice the above tips can observe exceptional strengthening and improvement in academic skills. And this can help you avoid deviating your child's two to three months from Math learning. You can also visit 98thPercentile for a few engaging math activities for kids, and can also opt for online courses for the coming year's maths syllabus.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a free summer class for your kid now!

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